

Policy Data Analyst
Office of New York City Comptroller Brad Lander
New York, NY | 2023-present

Analyze, find, and generate data to identify and expose inequities in City services, pinpoint ways City agencies can perform better, develop concrete policy reforms, and improve government transparency.

Graduate Research Assistant
NYU Furman Center
New York, NY | 2022

Urban Analyst
New York, NY | 2019-2020

Researched neighborhoods and produced hundreds of succinct summaries to highlight what makes places unique and how areas are likely to change.

Policy Associate
Transportation for America
Washington, D.C. | 2012-2018

Developed and analyzed policy, managed outreach programs, and worked with elected leaders to enact legislative reforms prioritizing city needs.


M.S. in Applied Urban Science
New York University: Center for Urban Science and Progress
New York, NY | graduation: August 2022

4.0 GPA. Scholastic Award.

Relevant coursework:

B.A. in Government
Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT | 2011

Graduation with honors.
3.79 GPA.
Certificates in Environmental Studies and International Relations.